N.spice, christmas, cinnamonComment

Christmas at home

N.spice, christmas, cinnamonComment
Christmas at home

13 days to go... Christmas ornaments tangling, scent of pine trees filling the air, why not 'spice it up' with some actual christmas spices, make your home simmer with rich luxcurious Christmas scent. 

5 cups water
2 navel oranges, peeled
1 apple, sliced in half
3 cinnamon sticks
3 star anise
1 teaspoon-sized knob of fresh ginger
1 teaspoon cardamom pods
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1/4 teaspoon dried orange peel

Combine all ingredients together in a saucepan and heat over low heat until simmering, keep this going for a few hours and let the spice heat it up!